Sackett Family Events

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mary Nell's Visit and Riverfest, May 2008

Sarah's Aunt Mary Nell came to visit recently, and we had a lovely evening with Grandma and Grandpa Albright and the Stover-Brown crew.

Wichita's annual "Riverfest" is going on now. Jenny and I took the girls down on a very windy day. Some of the activities were closed because of the wind, and we had to keep a tight hold on the stroller, lest they blow away. Here Eliana and Molly sit in a firetruck.

The highlight of the outing was the Wichita Children's Theater production of The Three Bears. Eliana loved baby bear, and I was impressed at how still she sat through the 30 minute show. This week she's been repeating "baby bow, baby bow." Perhaps she'll start a fan club?

DC Trip, April 2008

One of the perks of Sam's new job as communication's director for Rep. Tiahrt is his need to spend time working in the DC office. In late April Eliana and I joined him for a week-long stay in DC. While he worked, Eliana and I visited friends in the morning and took naps at the hotel in the afternoon. Or rather, Eliana took naps at the hotel and I read the newspaper and anything else I could find stretched out on the floor, hidden from her view.

My dearest friend Nancy and I braved hoards of overexcited school children to take Eliana and Simona to the zoo. Here they are in the invertibrate building -- a favored spot for its tanks of water ("er!") and lack of crowds.

Sam and I took some photos of Eliana at Union Station. As you will see, the theme of the day was RUNNING.


Pausing long enough to point out the flag, one of her favorite items.

"Where is your hair?"

More running.

Spinning around.

Getting dizzy.

Making eyes at a friendly tourist.

Collins' Nebraska Visit

After the poetry festival we hit the road and drove to Nebraska. We had the unique privilege of visiting with some good friends of ours, Sara and Gilbert Collins, who are serving in the Peace Corp in Botswana. They were in the States to have their first child, Timothy. Sara's Dad lives in Nebraska so we visited them while they were visiting him. Eliana loved being around the baby and we loved the chance to catch up in person, even if we did get cremated by Gilbert in a round of "Trains" (a board game).

Fourth Annual Enid Stover Poetry Reciation Festival

The Fourth Annual Enid Stover Poetry Reciation Festival was held in Manhattan Kansas on April 19, 2008. My Aunt Merrily and my grandfather - Papa - organize this event in honor of my grandmother, Nana. She was a poet and had an amazing gift for memorization. The festival invites poets to recite work from memory, although folks who read are also welcome to participate. This was the first year we'd be able to attend.

The day was beautiful. Sam and I recited some of the nursury rhymes we know by heart (learned as bedtime stories).

The pictures are of 1) my Aunt Merrily, 2) my Papa, and 3)my sister Jenny with her two girls and Me-maw Ann; 4) Dad spent most of the afternoon followng Eliana around the park; 5 & 6) Cousin Amelia, hiker in training; 7) Sam with the cousins.

Eliana's New House

Eliana made the transition to our new house easily. She is 18 months old now and has five more teeth coming in! About a month ago she started repeating words: octopus, tea bag, lilac, heavy, panda... Watching her language develop has been a lot of fun.
Eliana loves to play outside and I'm so thankful to have a yard for her to play in. She has a strong preference for the front yard, where she can watch for cars and buses and where there are no fences to keep her from sprinting off down the sidewalk or into the neighbors’ yards. She also loves to play with her cousins and runs to the door whenever we mention going to visit.
Eliana discovered she could crawl inside and empty the cupboard.

Riding cousin Molly's bike on the front porch.

An "Eliana-sized" wheelbarrow at Grandma's house.

Wearing Daddy's tie in her favorite hiding corning in the dining room.

Learning about pockets!

This picture says it all.

Eating O's on a cold morning.

The day she learned to climb onto the counter - and found brownies.

"Little Orphan Eliana" - she loves to mop.

We've Moved (Again)!

Forgive us for allowing this blog to get so out of date. Out last post was in November, about the same time Sam was offered a new job. After a brief 3 months in our "new" two bedroom apartment, we moved again – this time to Wichita, where we’ve purchased a home just down the street from my sister.

Life is good, very good. Sam is settling into his work and I am enjoying being at home with Eliana and working on the house. You asked for pictures, so here they are – with a bit of commentary.

(Our House)

We moved in mid-February, and had been hoping the ground would be frozen when we arrived so we could back the truck up on the lawn to the steps of the porch. The ground was not frozen, but to our amazement, the front sidewalk is wide enough to drive on! Loading the truck took parts of three days; unloading took two hours. We even moved the piano with only the help of Sam’s Dad and my sister. (!) This move had zero stairs, unlike our previous apartment moves.

That first week was an adventure. It was cold, and the furnace did not do a good job heating the house. Most of the time I wore an undershirt, a long sleeved T, and two sweaters. Several days I turned the stove on for heat. But every day we’d find a storm window that was open or a door that wasn’t sealed, and things began to improve. The biggest change came when we found that the blower wasn’t able to work because it was completely blocked by a filter that hadn’t been cleaned in decades. So we pulled that filter out and wa-la! – blowing heat!

We had electrical work done first thing to bring our supply line up to modern standards. When the electricians turned the power back on they blew most of our light bulbs. They couldn’t figure out what was wrong (everything was getting too much power), so we spent that night at my sister’s. Fortunately it didn’t get cold enough that night to freeze any pipes, and the electricians came back the next morning and got the power on. (They’d never worked on a fuse box as old as ours, which is why they connected things wrong.)

(Fixing a leaky valve. Our monster furnace, air return and "blower".)

Once it warmed up a bit we headed outside to clean up the yard. We (and several helpers) raked twenty-four bags of leaves in the front yard alone. We’re assuming it hadn’t been raked in a few years – at least I’m hoping we don’t get that many leaves on an annual basis.

(Jim, Katya and Eliana work the wheelbarrow while Gayle washes windows.)

Our house was built in 1920 and has quite a bit of deferred maintenance to catch up on, but we fell in love with the spacious rooms, the leaded glass and built-in cabinetry. We have plans for big renovations this calendar year: painting inside and out, new storm windows, replacing rusted gutters, installing heat pump and new ducts (removed asbestos covered ducts from basement), etc. Most recently we cleared about 180 pounds of dirt out of our gutters. (Yes, I used the bathroom scale to weigh the bags. I was curious.)

(A Hepa5 Kiss)

(Asbestos removal.)

Sam’s family has visited several weekends and has helped immensely, replacing cracked or missing window panes, watching Eliana while I work, and helping us finish our asbestos removal. Christy and Nathan loaned us their truck for several months, which was a huge help.

(Joey and cousin Molly demolish the dog house in the back yard.)

(Joey climbed one of the trees in back to down a broken limb - see the red speck?)

(Nathan and Sam cleaning the gutters.)

(Christy watched Eliana while we were on the roof.)

In the beginning I met with several contractors a week and put together the paperwork that goes along with our renovation (for state tax credits on improvements, for the historical society, for the city low-interest loan, etc.) I’m really enjoying being at home, taking care of Eliana, and researching options for the house.

We’ve met our immediate neighbors. The guy across the street hosts a Halloween event at his house that draws a thousand kids! My sister, who lives a block away, said they had 750 trick-or-treaters last year. Whew. And the house up the street has so many lights/decorations at Christmas that it has become a “must see” in Wichita during the Christmas season, with limos and cars lined up down the block.

I see my sister and her husband, Chris, frequently. We cover child care for each other on occasion. They'll be moving away for two years in fall 2009 so Chris can attend seminary. If anyone knows anyone who wants to rent their house for two years, let me know. ;) Seriously, we’d love some more good neighbors down the block.