Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Eliana's New House

Eliana made the transition to our new house easily. She is 18 months old now and has five more teeth coming in! About a month ago she started repeating words: octopus, tea bag, lilac, heavy, panda... Watching her language develop has been a lot of fun.
Eliana loves to play outside and I'm so thankful to have a yard for her to play in. She has a strong preference for the front yard, where she can watch for cars and buses and where there are no fences to keep her from sprinting off down the sidewalk or into the neighbors’ yards. She also loves to play with her cousins and runs to the door whenever we mention going to visit.
Eliana discovered she could crawl inside and empty the cupboard.

Riding cousin Molly's bike on the front porch.

An "Eliana-sized" wheelbarrow at Grandma's house.

Wearing Daddy's tie in her favorite hiding corning in the dining room.

Learning about pockets!

This picture says it all.

Eating O's on a cold morning.

The day she learned to climb onto the counter - and found brownies.

"Little Orphan Eliana" - she loves to mop.


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