Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Three Months Old

Eliana is almost three months old! She takes seriously the business of making contact with the toys that hang above her seat and of stretching her mouth as wide as it will go to accommodate her entire fist. We're having lots of fun now that she's so talkative and responsive. We're also thankful that she's continued to sleep through the night (as she has since our time in Ft. Scott over Christmas). Soon it will be time to move out of the bassinet and into a crib!

I think Eliana looks more and more like her Dad's baby pictures, especially in the eyes (which are still blue). She weighed 11 1/2 pounds at two months so must be near 13 now. She has rolled from her front to back several times, but it's not a daily occurrence yet. And she loves to put her hands in her mouth (but hasn't noticed them to look at). She doesn't mind being on her belly and does a good job of holding her head up. She also loves to sit and stand -- when she's on her back she'll nod her head forward to tell us she'd like to pull up. Here are some recent pictures...

Just back from a walk with Mom.

Belly time.

With her thumb in her pacifier.

With Dad and her bunny.

With Mom.


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