Tuesday, February 06, 2007

New Cousin Amelia Ruth Lucore

Eliana and I traveled to Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio to visit new cousin Amelia Ruth at the beginning of January (a six hour drive that took eight hours with baby). We spent a week with my sister Elizabeth and her husband Bryan. Amelia arrived a month early but was almost as big as Eliana was when she was born (five days late).

Everyone was doing amazingly well and we enjoyed a week of babydom: napping, playing, and eating. We also played a bit of dress up. The sailor hat is from a flower arrangement Amelia received that came in a ceramic duck wearing a sailor hat.

When we arrived home we were surprised to find a new chair in our front room! Sam gave me the belated Christmas gift of a new rocker recliner. (Which came in very handy a few days ago when Eliana was congested and needed to sleep upright...Sam "slept" all night with her in the recliner.)

Here are some pictures from the week.


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