Sackett Family Events

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Benjamin is 3 months old!

Dressin' Up (Halloween)

Bet you'd never guess that this pirate is Sam! Great costume, aye? Actually, it isn't Sam. It's our neighbor. He puts on a massive Halloween event every year, drawing around 1,000 kids. This year's theme was, obviously, pirates. He turns his porch in to a stage for lifesize blacklight puppets and has games for the kids in his front yard. Very fun! The little duckling is ours, first as she dressed for trick-or-treating and then as she dressed for preschool earlier in the week.

Here we are dressed up for the Midtown Historic District's Annual Hometour. Our house was on the tour so we tried to dress in period clothes. I'm wearing my Grandpa Albright's step-mother's wedding dress and headpiece (c. 1929).