Sackett Family Events

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Last of Summer 2007

Eliana and Simona get cleaned up after playing outside at Ryan and Rebecca's house.

An intense game of Killer Bunnies at Ryan and Rebecca's house with Eliana and Simona finally asleep.

Eliana likes to climb on boxes to better reach the piano keys.

Future pianist?

Sam's recent project: making a frame clamp, then glueing frames together for two congregational photos to be hung in our church.

Eliana and Sarah each peaches at lunchtime.

Sarah and Elina at the Marine Memorial waiting on Tara Jo for a picnic.

Sarah and Nancy play Pudgy Bunnie by stuffing seven and eight, respectively, marshmallows in their mouths.

Hanging out and Ryan and Rebecca's house and eating grilled pizza.

Eliana gets a taste of corn on the cob.

Eliana helps Uncle Joey play his cards in a game of Back Alley Pitch with Nancy and Caleb.

Joey, Caleb and Sam play disc golf in Arlington.

More bath times. She likes drinking the water.

And hair spikes...