Sackett Family Events

Monday, June 25, 2007

Summer time is here

It's officially summer, and Eliana is now crawling, standing and bike riding with her friend Simona. Most mornings Eliana likes to wake us up by standing in her crib and babbling at us. Ma ma ma ma ma is her current favorite sound, although she doesn’t necessarily associate it with Mom.

On Sunday evening Sam and Caleb took Eliana and Simona on a bike ride. The bike trailer was Eliana’s Christmas gift from Grandma and Grandpa Sackett.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Eliana Update: 7 months

Eliana is 7 months old today! She is currently playing with a piece of paper and "crawling" around on the floor beside me. She does not crawl long distances very quickly, but gets where she wants to go. One of her favorite new places is the kitchen. I think she likes the noise she gets when she bangs her hands on the tile. She is sporting two teeth -- coming in together on the bottom. Just now she's attempting to chew the keyboard.

Eliana has started going to a baby-sitter three days a week while I put in 20 hours at the library. Her baby-sitter, Perveen, is a Bengali woman who lives a few minutes from our apartment. So far she seems to be doing well there, and I enjoy working at the library.

Recently Sam's parents and sister Anya came to visit. We toured the inner harbor of Baltimore, enjoyed a sea-food feast on Sunday and hiked around Great Falls. Eliana was dedicated on Sunday while they were here. Hope you enjoyed these recent photos.