Sackett Family Events

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sunday Afternoon, May 20, 2007

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Eliana's friend Simona

We took pictures of Eliana's friend, Simona, Sunday afternoon near our apartment. These are a few of our favorites.

Friday, May 11, 2007

April Travels

Eliana is almost six months old. She still has light gray-green eyes and her brown hair is growing in. She's sitting up now, rolling over both directions, and expanding her repertoire of solid foods. She loves to play with bags, especially bags that make noise -- her favorite is the bag of corn chips.

In April we traveled to Kansas and to Ohio. While in Kansas we spent time in Wichita with Stover-side and time in Ft. Scott with Sackett-side. Lovely, quick visits.

After a day at home in Arlington we drove to Ohio for Easter with cousin Amelia and Elizabeth and Bryan.

Also included here are shots of Eliana the week after Easter, playing with toilet paper rolls. She loved pulling at the crinkly paper!