Sackett Family Events

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Eliana's First Christmas

Eliana took her first airplane ride when she flew to Kansas for the holidays! She wasn't much impressed, as she slept the whole way (to Mom and Dad's delight). Grandpa Sackett met her in Kansas City -- the start of a two-week whirlwind meeting grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. She had her first real gab session with the ladies in Quinter, bestowed smiles daily, showed off in her first dress (red velvet!), slept through her first movie-theatre-movie (Charlotte's Web), slept through the night (!) and generally whooped it up. These are just some of the folks she met...

Napping with Granddad Stover on her new "lambie"

Playing "So big" with cousin Molly and Grandma "Mee-Mah" Stover

In Ft. Scott with Grandma and Grandpa Sackett

"Singing" in her party dress

Four Stover generations: Papa, Granddad, Mom and Eliana

In McPherson with Great Grandma and Grandpa Albright

Bundled up and ready to leave the party

Gabbing with Aunt Jenny, Aunt Deserea and Grandma Ann

With Aunt Rebecca and Great-aunt Merrily's blanket

Comfy with Aunt Stephanie

Relaxing with First-Cousin-Once-Removed Austin (whew!)

Cutie Cousin Kody

Visiting with Amy

Once back at home, Eliana got to meet good friends Gilbert and Sara, who were visiting from Botswana.

Silly Faces

Eliana and Dad play a game of imitation in early December.


Aunt Elizabeth Visits

Aunt Elizabeth came to visit in early December. Here Eliana naps on her cousin-to-be.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Little Red Riding Hood

This poncho was made by Anya Sackett as a Christmas gift to Eliana.