Wednesday, September 20, 2006

First blog

Getting ready for Sackett No. 3 not only requires making space in our one-bedroom apartment but also preparing virtual space on the Web. What better way to welcome our little one than to create a blog.


Blogger Sue Stover said...

Hey - greetings from windy Auckland and the Stover-Watts Down-Under contingent. I'm so impressed with Eliana's brights engaged eyes - is she really as focused as the photos suggest? If she is, then I can start to piece together the delivery details that weren't included (more! more!) and assume that she came without major drug interventions??
Enjoy the breastfeeding (marvelous facility) and if the engorgements are painful remember cooked cabbage leaves helps... not sure about bakchoy or spinach or...
Take care of each other!

10:30 PM  

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