Sackett Family Events

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Benjamin's 6 Month Photos

Benjamin is starting to crawl, although he has not figured out how to do it with great skill. But soon. We've been expecting a tooth any day - something we have been expecting for two months given the level of drool he produces.

We have started solids. His favorite food is crackers, probably because he can feed himself. Spoon feeding is slow but he's learning.

Eliana says that Ben eats good food. She added: I like playing with him a lot. He likes doing things and playing with me. When Mom is in the room I can carry Ben. I pray that he would have good rest at night. I love him. That's all.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

November/December '09, January '10

Benjamin, four months, chillin' in the Bumbo.

Eliana is three!

Eliana got a haircut from her cousin on Thanksgiving.
We were thankful she still had ears.

Eliana's Christmas train.

Eliana decorated Grandma's kitchen over Christmas.
Pictured here with Sam's sister Christy.

Jim's t-shirt, custom-made.

Eliana in Santa's sleigh, pulled by Rudolph.

Benjamin, 5 months, pushing himself backward under a chair.

Starting solids.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Benjamin is 3 months old!

Dressin' Up (Halloween)

Bet you'd never guess that this pirate is Sam! Great costume, aye? Actually, it isn't Sam. It's our neighbor. He puts on a massive Halloween event every year, drawing around 1,000 kids. This year's theme was, obviously, pirates. He turns his porch in to a stage for lifesize blacklight puppets and has games for the kids in his front yard. Very fun! The little duckling is ours, first as she dressed for trick-or-treating and then as she dressed for preschool earlier in the week.

Here we are dressed up for the Midtown Historic District's Annual Hometour. Our house was on the tour so we tried to dress in period clothes. I'm wearing my Grandpa Albright's step-mother's wedding dress and headpiece (c. 1929).

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

July and August 2009 Photos

A trip to the zoo.

Eliana playing at the birthing center.

Grandma and Grandpa Sackett, Uncle Joey, and Great-grandma B.

Four days old.

Eliana's JC Penney shot.

Benjamin has his hearing tested - our little monkey.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Benjamin Wit Stover Sackett

Ben was born July 31 at 3:01 p.m. weighing 7 lbs. 2 oz. Benjamin means son of my right hand. His first middle name, Wit, has Latin origins meaning life/of life/life-giving. His second middle name, Stover, is Sarah's maiden name.

Grandma Sackett arrived in the afternoon Friday and is spending time with Eliana this weekend. She has been a great help allowing us to be with Benjamin.

Sarah's sister, Rebecca (right), flew into Wichita in time to be present for the birth. She and our friend Becky Ullom (not pictured) were both wonderful coaches and support for Sarah at the time of delivery. Also, special thanks to Chris Stover-Brown and Natalie Moore for coming to our house at night/early morning while Eliana was sleeping so we could go to the hospital.

Eliana gets to hold baby brother for the first time.

Here's Ben a few minutes after being delivered. Sarah did a great job during the labor. There were no complications which allowed her to deliver 'naturally' without medications. The doctor and resident doctor commented how they wished they could have recorded the delivery to have as an example of a woman who is able to maintain control during the process without drugs.

We are grateful the Lord has blessed us with this new life. We would appreciate prayers for rest as the days/weeks progress.
We will post more photos and updates later. We expect to return home Sunday morning.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Deserea's Graduation May 2009

Eliana and I travelled together for Deserea's gradution. She looked beautiful, very college-like, and we are very proud.

Opening gifts.

Papa and his trifle.

Trifle enthusiasm.

Trifle toasts.

Papa and Franklin.

The house and yard were decked out for the occasion.

We got to meet Deserea's brother Rico (not pictured) and her god-sister Misty (pictured with Misty's husband Art and Aunt Nancy).

Eliana discovered the dollhouse.
Papa's father was given this house for Papa's sisters to play with.

Spring 2009

It's May and I've created several posts with photos from this past spring (see Spring Break, Easter, and House Renovation posts). It's been a busy spring, with lots of visitors and a full schedule for Sam at work. We are all doing well and are anticipating the arrival of another Sackett in early August! (Will we change our blog address from "3sacketts"? Stay tuned.) This post is a hodge-podge of photos, include a few from our house warming party earlier this month.

Eliana is 2.5 now.

Jelly toast.

Cousin Molly and friend Lydia at the first softball game of season.

Unfortunately cousin Clara found some slick mud under the bleachers.

Eliana helping to fold the napkins while wearing Dad's clean socks.

Everyone in the block tub.

(Finally!) Our house warming party.
Everyone was invited to wear something they'd normally need an excuse to wear in public, which explains Chris's hat, Clara's clown suit and the Scarecrow in the background. Jenny and Jeffrey (a.k.a. Delores and the Pickin' Fretter) provided music for the evening!

Jenny and I wore bridesmaid dresses from Mom's wedding (c. 1972).
Did I look like a honeydew melon? Yes.